UGA Cotton Team Newsletter – April 2024

Articles in this month’s issue include:

1. Considerations for nutrient management in cotton (Henry Sintim and Glen Harris)

2. Planter preparation (Wes Porter and Simer Virk)

3. Early season disease and nematode issues for cotton farmers – You get one change (Bob Kemerait)

4. Irrigation system prep and early season water requirements for cotton production (Wes Porter, David Hall, Jason Mallard, Phillip Edwards, and Daniel Lyon)

5. Early planting considerations (Wade Parker)

6. Physiological considerations in the early season (Josh Lee, John Snider, Jayson Wisekal, and Camp Hand)

7. Thrips management: use a preventive treatment (Phillip Roberts)

8. Variety selection and other considerations ahead of planting (Camp Hand)

Read the full Newsletter Here