As everyone is very aware, 2020 has presented cotton growers in Georgia and across the belt a difficult set of circumstances. These include stressed commodity and financial markets, long periods of extreme heat, and untimely heavy rains and humidity. While the end is in sight, we are not through with 2020.
Your team at the Georgia Cotton Commission is constantly working with policy makers, research & extension personnel, and the various cotton organizations to represent the needs of Georgia growers and to communicate news to you. The cotton industry is fortunate to have the tools that it has during these difficult times.
We want to remind you today that through your check-off dollars, all Georgia cotton growers and ginners are members of the National Cotton Council (NCC) and all Georgia cotton growers are members of the Southern Cotton Growers (SCG). These policy organizations are working hard for you are during these uncertain times. To stay up to date on the activities of these organizations please find them at the following:
National Cotton Council – Website, Facebook
Southern Cotton Growers – Website, Facebook
We wish all of our growers a safe finish to the 2020 season. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of service to you in any way.