NCC Statement on Farm Bill Extension

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Signaling the appreciation of the farm bill extension, NCC Chairman Shawn Holladay, said, “The National Cotton Council is grateful to the leadership in the House and Senate for extending the 2018 Farm Bill for another year. This extension will give the U.S. cotton industry certainty in program support as we head toward next year’s planting season.”

Holladay, a West Texas cotton producer, noted that given the inflationary pressures throughout the cotton supply chain it is critical that Congress moves as quickly as possible in 2024 to pass a new farm bill that enhances the safety net for cotton producers while addressing the challenges faced by all segments of the supply chain. He added that the industry is committed to working with the leadership of the House and Senate Agricultural Committees to getting a farm bill completed as quickly as possible in the new year.

The Memphis-based NCC’s mission is ensuring the ability of those seven U.S. cotton industry segments to compete effectively and profitably in the raw cotton, oilseed and U.S.-manufactured product markets at home and abroad.