County UGA Cooperative Extension Service Agents are an important resource for Georgia cotton farmers. Agents are known for delivering timely and accurate information, which is instrumental for the success of Georgia’s farmers. They also perform community specific research and education and outreach programs designed to help farmers maximize yields and efficiency.
The Georgia Cotton Commission sponsored the King Cotton Award to recognize outstanding contributions of county agents to Georgia cotton producers for the 21st year in a row. The Allen B. Fulford Award honors the accomplishments and memory of Allen B. Fulford, who served as a county Extension agent and state cotton agronomist. This award credits those with less than 10 years of service. The award was presented in Tifton at the 2021 Georgia Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting & Professional Improvement Conference. The Georgia Cotton Commission is proud to salute the excellent work that County Extension Agents do for farmers across the state.
The Allen B. Fulford Award winner is Holly Anderson of Ben Hill County, where she serves as County Extension Coordinator as well as Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent. Anderson has worked for Extension since 2015. Her six years of service are all in Ben Hill County. Anderson conducts county research on cotton for variety selection, insect management and irrigation usage. In addition, she holds producer education programs regarding agronomics, weed control, economics and defoliation. The priorities for the local research are made in collaboration with local growers. Anderson has been recognized on both state and national levels in presentations on cotton irrigation scheduling, thrips management, variety selection and moisture sensor usage. She enjoys getting to work one on one with local producers and helping them stay up to date on the latest information UGA Extension has to offer.
The Georgia Cotton Commission is a producer-funded organization located in Perry, Georgia. The Commission began in 1965. Georgia cotton producers pay an assessment enabling the Commission to invest in programs of research, promotion, and education on behalf of all cotton producers of Georgia. For more information about the Georgia Cotton Commission please call (478) 988-4235 or on the web at